This course consists of an introductory seminar, followed by five lectures. The seminar introduces the main theme. It explains how the world fell into error, when spiritual creatures rebelled against the God who made them.
In the first lecture, we state that evil comes from the rejection of God and his love. We want to control our own lives, but instead of obeying our Creator, we fight against his will, so what was meant for our good has gone wrong.
In the second lecture, we study how human beings have tried to put matters right by constructing philosophies and religions that are supposed to solve the problem of evil. But nobody can know the mind of God unless he reveals it to them. Because of that, the beliefs and ideologies they have produced cannot help us.
In the third lecture we explore how the Christian message confronts human ideas and theories. God has shown us the only way of salvation in Jesus Christ. He sets us free from the power of evil and reconciles us to our Creator.
In the fourth lecture we look at how some people have misunderstood the Christian message and corrupted it. If a religion is only half true, it is false, and we must reject all the distortions of Christianity because they cannot save us.
In the fifth lecture, we discuss atheism. In its modern form, atheism needs Christianity in order to exist, because it is a denial of the God of the Bible. If God did not exist, there would be no atheists because they would have nothing to reject.
This seminar and these lectures argue that Jesus Christ and his message are the way, the truth and the life, the only answer to the problems of the world and the only hope of salvation for human beings.

by Gerald Bray

⛪ GERALD BRAY (DLitt, University of Paris-Sorbonne) is research professor of divinity at Beeson Divinity School. He is a prolific writer and has authored or edited numerous books, including The Doctrine of God and Biblical Interpretation: Past and Present.

Organized by R.E.M.
歸正福音事工 rem.org.hk

R.E.M. Faith Course “WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE WORLD” by Dr. Gerald Bray

The Course is a FREE to public online @ REM official Facebook and youtube channel online at 8pm on September 14 to October 19 (Hong Kong Time)

Topic: Creation: WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE WORLD (online course)
Lecturer: Dr. Gerald Bray
Date:September 14 to October 19 (uploaded every Tuesday at 8:00pm HKT)
Time slot:2 hour per lesson
Classes: total 6 lessons
Language: English
Cost: Free ( Dedication and support: http://shop.rem.org.hk/donate/ )


Dedication and support: http://shop.rem.org.hk/donate/
All tuition income will be used to support the institution’s continued development and promotion of this new online learning platform.

Purchase courses: http://shop.rem.org.hk/
More online courses will be launched, including free and paid courses. Tuition fees for paid courses are calculated in Hong Kong dollars, and you can watch the course videos unlimited times after registration.

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Post Author: REM


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