曾劭愷 博士
講員簡介:前中華福音神學院系統神學助理教授;牛津大學神學系哲學博士;普林斯頓神學院神學碩士;維真學院道學碩士;英屬哥倫比亞大學理學士。曾老師自2013年開始參與REM服事,講授課程包括「行動中的信仰:基督教倫理學」、「生活與靈性:華人信徒的屬靈神學」、「馬太福音」等,亦是多本REM電子書的作者。他於維真學院師從巴刻(J. I. Packer),傳承英國清教徒及福音派信仰的精神,主要負擔在於華人教會神學發展及文化宣教。他的妻子Jasmine從事時裝設計,兩人在上海相識,皆喜愛茶藝、文學、古典與爵士樂、電影、動漫等:對他們而言,這些都是屬靈信仰與生活的一部份。
Dr. Shao Kai Tseng is a former assistant professor of systematic theology at China Evangelical Seminary. He holds a DPhil in theology from the University of Oxford, a ThM from Princeton Theological Seminary, an MDiv from Regent College and a BSc from the University of British Columbia. He has joined REM since 2013, teaching courses such as “Faith in action: Christian ethics”, “Spirituality and everyday life: Spiritual theology of Chinese Christians” and “The Gospel of Matthew”. He has also written numerous REM ebooks. He was taught by J. I. Packer at Regent College, and has inherited the essence of faith from the Puritans and evangelicals. His ministry focus is on the development of theology among Chinese churches and cultural mission. His wife Jasmine is a fashion designer. They met in Shanghai and have common interests in Chinese tea, literature, classical and jazz music, movies and anime, which they see as part of their faith and everyday life.